Here, you find past seminars and workshops. Please note that the seminars and workshops are listed first in the language in which they were held. If they were held in German, an English translation is provided in italics.


"Schreiben fürs Theater", Seminar, Studiengang Kreatives Schreiben und Texten, SRH Berlin School of Popular Arts

“Writing for Theater,” seminar, Department of Creative Writing, SRH Berlin School of Popular Arts


"Schreiben als Experiment: Vom Material her schreiben", Workshop, Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach, Hessische Theaterakademie

"Writing as an experiment: writing from the material," workshop at the Hessen State University of Art and Design Offenbach


"Storytelling and Transformation," seminar, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences Dessau, Department of Design


"Jetzt – Meditation, Mindfulness und Schreiben", Workshop im Editorial Design bei Prof. Gerald Christ, Hochschule Anhalt, Fachbereich Design

"NowMeditation, Mindfulness and Writing," workshop at Anhalt University of Applied Sciences Dessau, Department of Design


“Prosa-Textwerkstatt”, Seminar, Studiengang Kreatives Schreiben und Texten, SRH Berlin School of Popular Arts

“Prosa workshop,” seminar, Department of Creative Writing, SRH Berlin School of Popular Arts


"Writing for Designers: The designer as a writer?Exploring writing as a tool to shape, share and sell the designer’s work in a genuine way", Anhalt University of Applied Sciences Dessau, Department of Design


"Verkörperungen – Vom Autor*innenkörper zur dramatischen Figur", Seminar, Literaturinstitut Hildesheim

"EmbodimentsFrom the author's body to the dramatic character," seminar, Hildesheim Institute of Literary Writing and Literary Studies


"Material & Narration: Material erzählen", Seminar, Kunsthochschule Burg Giebichenstein Halle

"Material & Narration: Writing about materials," seminar, Burg Giebichenstein University of Arts and Design Halle


"Speaking about Shame", a format created for WOW & FANCE


"Reading Body Work"—a reading circle on Melissa Febos’ book “Body Work”, a format created for WOW & FANCE


"Conscious Writing Lab", a format created for WOW & FANCE


„Szenisches Schreiben“, Werkstattseminar, Literaturinstitut Hildesheim

"Dramatic Writing“, workshop seminar, Hildesheim Institute of Literary Writing and Literary Studies


"Grenzerfahrung", Workshops zum Literarischen Schreiben im Editorial Design bei Prof. Gerald Christ, Hochschule Anhalt, Fachbereich Design

"Liminal experience," workshops on literary writing in editorial design at Anhalt University of Applied Sciences Dessau, Department of Design


"Neue Bühnen für den szenischen Text", Seminar, Kooperation zwischen dem Literaturinstitut Hildesheim und dem Studiengang Design, Produkt und Kommunikation der HTW Dresden

"New stages for the scenic text," a collaborative seminar between the Hildesheim Institute of Literary Writing and Literary Studies and the Design: Product and Communication study program at the University of Applied Sciences Dresden


„Literarische Textwerkstatt“, Seminar im Studiengang Kreatives Schreiben und Texten der SRH Berlin School of Popular Arts

“Literary Writing,” workshop seminar, Department of Creative Writing, SRH Berlin School of Popular Arts


„Extraterrestrial“, Workshops zum Literarischen Schreiben im Editorial Design bei Prof. Gerald Christ, Hochschule Anhalt, Fachbereich Design

“Extraterrestrial”, workshops on literary writing in editorial design at Anhalt University of Applied Sciences Dessau, Department of Design


„Writer’s Studio – Neue szenische Texte des Literaturinstituts Hildesheim“, Kooperation zwischen dem Literaturinstitut Hildesheim und dem Staatstheater Hannover

"Writer's StudioNew dramatic texts from the Hildesheim Institute of Literary Writing and Literary Studies," a collaboration between the Hildesheim Institute of Literary Writing and Literary Studies and the Hanover State Theater


„Stil und Stilistik“, Seminar, Studiengang Kreatives Schreiben und Texten der SRH Berlin School of Popular Arts

„Style and stylistics,“ seminar, Department of Creative Writing, SRH Berlin School of Popular Arts


„Writer’s Studio – Neue szenische Texte des Literaturinstituts Hildesheim“, Kooperation zwischen dem Literaturinstitut Hildesheim und dem Staatstheater Hannover

"Writer's StudioNew dramatic texts from the Hildesheim Institute of Literary Writing and Literary Studies,” a collaboration between the Hildesheim Institute of Literary Writing and Literary Studies and the Hanover State Theater


Textwerkstatt, Prosanova Literaturfestival Hildesheim

Writer’s Workshop – Prosanova Literature Festival Hildesheim


„Dramatik und Dramatisierung von Prosatexten“, Werkstattseminar, Literaturinstitut Hildesheim

“Drama and dramatization of prose texts,” workshop seminar, Hildesheim Institute of Literary Writing and Literary Studies


„Writer’s Studio – Neue szenische Texte des Literaturinstituts Hildesheim“, Kooperation zwischen dem Literaturinstitut Hildesheim und dem Staatstheater Hannover

"Writer's StudioNew dramatic texts from the Hildesheim Institute of Literary Writing and Literary Studies,” a collaboration between the Hildesheim Institute of Literary Writing and Literary Studies and the Hanover State Theater


„Design und Erzählen – eine Beziehung?“, Vortrag und Workshop-Reihe im Studiengang Transformation Design der Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig

“Design and narrationa relationship?”, lecture and workshop series in the Transformation Design course at Braunschweig University of Art


„Verfahrensweisen dramatischer und postdramatischer Texte“, Seminar, Literaturinstitut Hildesheim

”Strategies of dramatic and post-dramatic texts“, seminar, Hildesheim Institute of Literary Writing and Literary Studies


„Writer’s Studio – Neue szenische Texte des Literaturinstituts Hildesheim“, Kooperation zwischen dem Literaturinstitut Hildesheim und dem Staatstheater Hannover

"Writer's StudioNew dramatic texts from the Hildesheim Institute of Literary Writing and Literary Studies,” a collaboration between the Hildesheim Institute of Literary Writing and Literary Studies and the Hanover State Theater


„Labor für Text im visuellen Kontext“, Visuelle Kommunikation, Universität der Künste Berlin

“Research lab for text in visual context”, Visual Communication, Berlin University of the Arts


„Schreiben für Gestalter“, Seminar, Visuelle Kommunikation, Universität der Künste Berlin

„Writing for Designers“, seminar, Visual Communication, Berlin University of the Arts


„Begegnung der Disziplinen“, Seminar, Kooperation zwischen dem Literaturinstitut Hildesheim und dem Studiengang Visuelle Kommunikation der Universität der Künste Berlin

“Encounter of Disciplines”, seminar, collaboration between the Hildesheim Institute of Literary Writing and Literary Studies and the Visual Communication program at the Berlin University of the Arts


Lehrauftrag für Szenisches Schreiben am Literaturinstitut Hildesheim

Teaching assignment for scenic writing at Hildesheim Institute of Literary Writing and Literary Studies